报 告 人1:李辉(西安交通大学)
报告主题2:Viral Infection Dynamics:A Global Analysis
报 告 人2:舒洪英(陕西师范大学)
报告人简介1:李辉,西安交通大学教授,博士生导师,数学与统计学院计算科学系系主任;1999、2002年在西安交通大学获得数学与应用数学本科与硕士学位; 2008年在英国埃塞克斯大学获计算机科学博士学位;2007-2010年,英国诺丁汉大学计算机学院,博士后研究员;2016-2017年, 美国密歇根州立大学访问学者。学术职务:IEEE高级会员,陕西省运筹学协会常务理事。主要学术成果提出了多目标进化计算研究领域代表性算法MOEA/D。
报告摘要2:We consider an in-host model with distributed delay to describe the in vivo infection dynamics of many viruses such as HIV-I, HCV, and HBV. We prove that the viral dynamics are determined by the basic reproduction number for infection. We also demonstrate that intracellular delays will lead to periodic oscillations in in-host models only with the right kind of target-cell dynamics. Next, we consider a viral model with the cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. This general model admits three types of equilibria: infection-free equilibria, CTL-inactivated infection equilibria, and CTL-activated infection equilibria. We prove that the viral dynamics are determined by two threshold parameters: the basic reproduction number for infection and the basic reproduction number for immune response. We further incorporate two infection modes (virus-to-cell mode and cell-to-cell mode) into the viral infection model. Finally, we propose a general model to investigate the joint impact of viral diffusion and cell-to-cell transmission on viral infection dynamics. The mathematical challenge lies in the fact that the model system is partially degenerate and the solution map is not compact. By an innovative construction of Lyapunov functionals, we demonstrate that the basic reproduction number is the threshold parameter which determines global picture of viral dynamics.
报告人简介2:舒洪英,2010年获哈尔滨工业大学博士学位。2008年在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学留学两年,2011年至2014年先后在加拿大新不伦瑞克大学和约克大学任AARMS博士后研究员。2014年至2018年任职同济大学特聘研究员,博士生导师。2018年至今任陕西师范大学特聘教授,博士生导师。2016年获上海市浦江人才计划,2017年获陕西省百人计划。主持或完成3项国家自然科学基金项目(2项面上和1项青年),1项上海市自然科学基金项目和1项加拿大科研基金项目。主要研究微分动力系统及其在生物数学上的应用,发表SCI收录论文40余篇,分别发表在J. Math. Pures Appl., SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Differential Equations, Nonlinearity, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Journal of Mathematical Biology,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 和Journal of Theoretical Biology等SCI期刊上。